Driven partly by the limitations on face-to-face – wherever they are in the world – while also meetings, our member ifrms are increasingly ifnding providing our people with valuable professional new and innovative ways to connect with potential development experiences. Unsurprisingly, candidates. The UK ifrm created Virtual Park, a virtual the travel and border restrictions that many reality space where potential candidates create governments imposed in response to the pandemic an avatar to interact with PwC recruiters, partners inevitably led to a reduction in international mobility and staff in a variety of settings – an auditorium, a activity over the past year. The total number conference room, an event hall and even a beach – of new international moves in FY21 was 1,052 to learn more about opportunities and ifrm offerings. (FY20: 2,938). These moves took place across 95 Not only has this been a creative way of navigating countries (FY20: 114 countries) and with 42% of pandemic restrictions but, more importantly, moves undertaken by women (FY20: 44%). this medium enables us to expand our reach to universities at which we previously may not have As we move into FY22, we anticipate being able to had a physical presence. mobilise more staff at scale to move internationally. "The virtual audit room makes it easier This, along with continuing to capitalise on our to coach and to speak up while working Our recent hires are ifnding the experience of working new ways of working virtually across borders, will remotely. Even more importantly, it is a at PwC to be a positive one. In both our annual Global enable us to bring together a broader community tool that keeps me socially connected People Survey and the Global New Joiner One-month of solvers to help our clients build trust and achieve with my teams" Survey, staff who have been with us for less than sustained outcomes. one year gave the highest scores in 11 years. This Pascal Wagemakers, relfects improvements we made to deliver onboarding Senior Associate, Netherlands in a virtual environment, which increased the quality, consistency and inclusivity of the experience, and put a particular focus on the pre-hire experience (from offer acceptance through to start date). Together, these improvements are helping new joiners to feel better prepared, know what to expect, and feel connected through using Look Inside - PwC’s online 1,052 community for pre-hires. Staff mobility PwC’s long-established international mobility The total number of new international programme helps us meet the needs of our clients moves in FY21 was 1,052 (FY20: 2,938).
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