trust and fair competition, anti-corruption, information situation or when they see any instances of behaviour protection, ifrms’ and partners’ taxes, sanctions laws, inconsistent with the Code. internal audit, and insider trading. We take compliance with these ethical requirements seriously and strive We have just completed the network-wide to embrace the spirit and not just the letter of those implementation and rollout of the new PwC Ethics requirements. Ethical conduct is the expected Helpline and case management system. Each behaviour of all of our partners and staff, and they member ifrm has a conifdential and secure tier of the undertake annual mandatory training and submit helpline where concerns may be reported and will be annual individual compliance conifrmations as part investigated. The Ethics Helpline is available to all PwC of our system to support appropriate understanding partners and staff as well as third parties. of the ethical requirements under which we operate. Partners and staff uphold and comply with the In order to deal with any concerns regarding the standards developed by the PwC network, and the movement of people between PwC and government, leadership of each ifrm monitors compliance with PwC has put in place a set of principles that our these obligations. network expects to be followed by all ifrms when hiring a former government ofifcial or when someone from Each member ifrm is required to uphold the PwC PwC takes a senior post in government. values and PwC purpose. In addition, each PwC member ifrm has adopted the PwC network standards, Objectivity and independence including the PwC Global Code of Conduct (“the As auditors of ifnancial statements and providers of Code”) and related policies that clearly describe other types of professional services, PwC member ifrms the behaviours expected of our partners and staff and their partners and staff are expected to comply members. These behaviours will enable us to build , integritywith the fundamental principles of objectivity public trust. Because of the wide variety of situations and professional behaviour. In relation to assurance that our professionals may face, our standards provide clients, independence underpins these requirements. guidance under a broad range of circumstances, but all Compliance with these principles is fundamental to with a common goal: to do the right thing. serving the capital markets and our clients. Upon hiring or admittance, all staff and partners are The PwC Global Independence Policy is based on provided with the Code. They are expected to live by the International Independence Standards included the values expressed in the Code in the course of their in the Code, supplemented by the independence careers at PwC. They have a responsibility to report requirements of the United States Securities and and express concerns, and to do so fairly, honestly, Exchange Commission (SEC), the Public Company and professionally when dealing with a dififcult Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) of the United
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