Employee category by gender FY21 FY20 FY19 Gender not Gender not Gender not Aggregated level Female % Male % declared % Female % Male % declared % Female % Male % declared % Interns/Trainees 49.9% 50.1% 0.06% 46.9% 53.0% 0.04% 48.7% 51.3% 0.07% Associates 53.6% 46.3% 0.05% 53.3% 46.6% 0.04% 53.2% 46.7% 0.06% Managers 46.5% 53.4% 0.05% 46.4% 53.5% 0.06% 46.1% 53.9% 0.06% Directors 35.6% 64.4% 0.04% 34.6% 65.3% 0.04% 34.1% 65.8% 0.07% Partners 22.4% 77.6% 0.00% 22.0% 78.0% 0.00% 21.0% 79.0% 0.00% Focusing on all dimensions of inclusion create a more inclusive workplace for all. For example, inclusion for LGBT+ people. In 2017, we launched and diversity PwC US announced six additional commitments a global LGBT+ network called Shine, which brings Our commitment to inclusion and diversity goes far to accelerate its journey towards building a more together PwC members of this community and their beyond gender to cover all dimensions of diversity. diverse and inclusive organisation. Among these allies. The network has now grown to include 23 With this in mind, PwC has taken action throughout commitments was a promise to publicly release the territories, following the launch this year of Shine FY21 to support people from a wide range of groups. US ifrm’s diversity data and strategy, which it did in communities in Belgium, India, Spain, and the Manila August 2020. This level of transparency supports the Acceleration Centre. In 2021, PwC celebrated Pride We have continued to focus on racial diversity. ifrm’s intention to continue to share where it is on its virtually with people from across the Shine networks Territory Senior Partners from the UK, the US and I&D journey, in line with ESG reporting, and to build in Canada, EMEA, Mexico and the US. We also other ifrms across our network have made public trust in society. released the Together with Pride video, highlighting commitments to take action against the racism and stories from our LGBT+ communities across our injustice that still exists in society today. This has led At a network level, PwC is a founding member ofglobal network. to various programmes, including forums of support the Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality, an ofifcial and active sharing of real-life experiences by our project of the World Economic Forum. This involves Turning to disability - in May 2021 the Valuable 500 revealed the organisations that have signed up leaders and people, as well as awareness training member organisations coming together to advance and committed to do more in support of disability to help shift our people’s behaviours and mindset to global progress in equality and social and economic

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