and sharing digital assets. By storing innovative solutions in one central repository and harnessing cutting-edge tools and technologies in data, analytics and robotic process automation, our people are rethinking processes, enhancing quality and efifciency, and improving the way they work and collaborate. The rate at which our people have upskilled themselves has also allowed us to scale innovation and develop new client offerings, solving their problems in new ways. Every step of our digital journey has helped us progress to where we are today – transforming the way we work to beneift our clients and our people, and In FY21, our Global Chairman Bob Moritz earned skills that equip them for today and prbuilding the futurepare of our ifrm.e them 130 times the median basic salary and bonus of for tomorrow. PwC employees across the network. Mr Moritz’s PwC’s Badge Programme is a key part of remuneration is determined by our Global Board of Our upskilling journey began in 2019 when we this ongoing upskilling strategy. It promotes PwC International Limited. It includes a performance launched our ‘Digitising the Network’ programme continuous learning by helping our people component assessed by the Board based on the with the mission to invest in and provide our people acquire the high-priority skills they need achievement of his and the Network Leadership with new skills, innovative tools and capabilities. for today and the future. Badges provide Team’s (NLT’s) annual priorities, progress against While our journey to become a truly digital business visible, portable records of skills that can be the NLT’s shared strategic goals, and input continues, we now have over 159,000 Digital shared internally and externally. The Badge collected from relevant leaders. The overall median Academy graduates (FY20: 100,000) who have Programme continues to expand across compensation of our employees is impacted by our upskilled themselves and we have redeifned how the network, with 48 member ifrms now pyramid-based operating model, with approximately we work to deliver the highest quality and best collectively issuing over 139,000 badges to two-thirds of our people being at senior associate outcomes for our clients. our people (FY20:103,000). And the Badge level or below. portfolio continues to grow, with the launch At the end of the year, these efforts had resulted of the Inclusive Mindset badge and two Developing our people in over 10,000 citizen-led innovations (FY20: new AI badges to help us deliver sustained To deliver on The New Equation, we are dedicated 7,500) in our Digital Lab, PwC’s ifrst crowdsourced outcomes for our clients by combining human to ensuring that our people have the right set of solution-sharing community for ifnding, building ingenuity with technology innovations.
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