While we have increased the number of female members on our global board from seven to eight with Lisa Sawicki recently selected as our global board chair, we still need to increase female representation further in our global leadership groups. We are working actively with our member ifrms on issues such as leadership pipelines in order to address this and are seeing incremental changes year-on-year at local senior leadership levels. But we know we need to do more to accelerate change in this area. In 2021, we renewed our pledge to the UN’s HeForShe movement, a forum that brings together policy, corporate and academic leaders committed to creating a more diverse, inclusive and gender- equal world. Bob Moritz, our Global Chairman, attended the HeForShe Summit, joining other leaders of industry and policy along with celebrity guests, to share tangible actions that PwC and others can take to make the world a more equal place. As part of this, we released a refreshed version of our Proven Solution, bringing together thoughts from all HeForShe champions on how to achieve gender Employee category by gender female talent and to signiifcantly increase female equality in different settings. We also contributed our representation at director and partner level. We own data to the HeForShe: Data Trends report, which While the number of women directors and have also set goals for the proportion of female shows the progress made by all champions in their partners at PwC has been increasing in recent partner admissions at a number of ifrms to overall representation of women. years, progress has been too slow and there ensure accountability and encourage bold action. is clearly more that we need to do to improve Female representation - particularly at the partner And to mark International Women’s Day 2021, we the representation of women at the higher level - continues to be lower in advisory than in asked female leaders from across our network to grades. Our ifrms have a variety of programmes other parts of PwC, partly due to the size of the share their experiences and perspectives on how in place - recruitment targets, resourcing, available population in the marketplace. However, they overcame career challenges as part of the sponsorship programmes, retention and we are focused on speciifc programmes to Our Leaders #ChooseToChallenge campaign. leadership accountability - to attract and retain address this.
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