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execution of strategy. The Strategy Council is providing strong alignment on matters of strategy, also have experience and competencies across the expected to meet at least quarterly. In FY21 the quality and execution among member ifrms. spectrum of Environmental, Social and Governance Strategy Council met 11 times (FY20: 11). All (ESG) issues, including diversity and inclusion, social meetings in FY21 were held virtually. You can view a short biography of each board mobility, renewable energy and corporate governance. member here including details of any other boards or Global Leadership Team bodies that they may serve on. The board currently has four standing committees: The Global Leadership Team (GLT) is appointed by, the Governance Committee, Markets Committee, Risk and reports to, the NLT. Its members are responsible Having a broad range of backgrounds and Committee and Operations Committee. The board for leading teams drawn from PwC member ifrms to experiences is an essential ingredient in the board may establish other committees from time to time. coordinate and lead PwC’s activities across all areas discussions. In addition to their technical expertise of the business. The GLT met 10 times in FY21 (FY20: across a range of disciplines, our board members Below is a summary of each Committee’s focus areas. 9). In FY21 all GLT meetings were held virtually. Global Board Committee Committee focus areas The board of PwCIL is comprised of 20 members who are responsible for the governance of PwCIL and Governance ■ Network governance and leadership matters, including succession planning the PwC network, oversight of the NLT, and approval of network standards. With the exception of two Markets ■ Relationships (including clients, joint business relationships) and markets external, independent directors, the other 18 elected ■ Portfolio of services (including delivery models) members are full-time partners of PwC member ifrms ■ Brand positioning from around the world who are not members of the ■ Corporate Responsibility and Public Interest senior leadership teams of those ifrms. Of the current 18 elected Board members, eight are women. Operations ■ Finance and operations including network investments and performance ■ People, including up-skilling, culture and values Board members are elected every four years by ■ Technology strategy, enablement and execution, including data protection partners exercising their votes through their member ifrms. The current board, with members from 13 Risk ■ Enterprise-wide risk management and legal matters countries, took up ofifce in June 2021. Board ■ Quality, network standards, ethics & compliance and policies members may serve a maximum of two terms of four ■ Firm admissions years each. Six of the board members are in their second term. Seven board members currently serve Note: During FY21, the Board met 13 times (FY20: 12). Collectively, the board’s standing committees met 31 times (FY20: 36). Each meeting in FY21 was virtual. as chair of their member ifrm’s governance body,

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