26 Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030 Who leads on people strategy? What does the workforce look like? Organisational challenges • Business leaders are responsible for people direction and management. • HR rarely exists as a separate function as organisations rely on outsourced services, specialist suppliers and automation for people processes. • Guilds support workers to build skills and experience by providing training and career development support alongside other help and advice. • Digital platforms create mobility and help match worker with employer and skills and attributes with demand. • Performance is about delivering an organisational goal but also, importantly, about employees’ behaviours and societal impact. • Like ‑ m inded workers gravitate towards each other, aided by technology platforms. • Individuals come together to collaborate on projects or to deliver on an idea – for as long as it takes. • Guilds help workers create scale when needed, remain current and build trust in their services. • Guilds provide members with a strong sense of identity – individuals see themselves as members of their profession, identifying with each other because of their particular skills set, interests and goals. • Non-financial rewards are assessed fairly in a trade ‑ o ff for less pay. • Work is often a fluid concept and a regimented 9 to 5, Monday to Friday working week is rare; the borders between home and work are blurred. • Brand and a good ethical record is essential in the Yellow World. The risk of brand damage from rogue workers must be actively managed. • Organisations are judged on trust and fairness; organisational purpose must be clearly articulated and lived. • Ethical and transparent supply chain management is critical and penalties apply all along the chain for non-compliance. • In the Yellow World, relationships with governments and NGOs are vital and need to be closely managed. Manager (52), UK “The ability to work from anywhere, combined with the advances in telecommunications makes us geographically neutral. However we must ensure that the personal touch is retained.”
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