3. Prosperity More Adoption Topic Metric Description information status Additional details Community and Total tax paid The total global tax borne by the company, including Link Full It is a characteristic of partnerships that payment Social Vitality corporate income taxes, property taxes, non-creditable of the taxes on the income produced in the VAT and other sales taxes, employer-paid payroll taxes, partnership is an obligation of the individual and other taxes that constitute costs to the company, by equity partners. Given this and the separate legal category of taxes. structure of PwC network member ifrms, we do not collect information at a global level on taxes paid on income by each individual ifrm. Our member ifrms also pay a range of other taxes, such as property taxes, or unrecoverable sales taxes. It is our intention to provide more information on these amounts in future years. Wealth Creation Absolute number 1. Total number and rate of new employee hires during the 1. Link Partial For this metric we are exploring how to and Employment and rate of reporting period, by age group, gender, other indicators of provide additional data in future reports employment diversity and region. 2. Total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period, by age group, gender, other indicators of diversity and region. Economic Direct economic value generated and distributed (EVG&D), Link Partial Given the separate legal structure of Contribution on an accruals basis, covering the basic components PwC network member ifrms, we do for the organisation’s global operations, ideally split out not produce consolidated ifnancial by: – Revenues – Operating costs – Employee wages and accounts for PwC globally, however we beneifts – Payments to providers of capital – Payments do provide some information related to government – Community investment 2. Financial to revenues, net income, employment assistance received from the government: total monetary taxes paid, and so on. value of ifnancial assistance received by the organisation from any government during the reporting period. Financial 1. Total capital expenditures (CapEx) minus depreciation, Not material Since PwC is a network of privately- investment supported by narrative to describe the company’s owned separate legal entities, this contribution investment strategy. metric is not relevant to us. 2. Share buybacks plus dividend payments, supported by narrative to describe the company’s strategy for returns of capital to shareholders. Total R&D Total costs related to research and development. Link Full expenses ($)
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