■ Each year, every member ifrm completes an These methodologies, technologies and materials help member ifrms, partners and staff perform their annual self-assessment of its compliance work more consistently, and promote quality while with network standards and related policies and procedures and conifrms whether it is in supporting their compliance with the way PwC compliance with the standards. The member does business and in line with our strategy - The New Equation. ifrm supports its self-assessment with appropriate evidence in required areas Monitoring compliance with network standards and policies ■ As part of the self-assessment, a senior partner of each member ifrm signs a conifrmation as to By PwC member ifrms: Each member ifrm whether the member ifrm was in compliance, must monitor its controls and the effectiveness in all material respects, with each network of its quality management systems in a manner standard. The senior partner also commits appropriate to the level of risk in its environment, to address any remedial actions identiifed as assessing in particular whether the policies and a result of the self-assessment. To address procedures that constitute its system of quality speciifc matters where process improvements management are designed appropriately and are needed, member ifrms, with the assistance operating effectively to provide reasonable of the network, prepare, review and execute assurance that its work is being performed in action plans compliance with laws, regulations and professional standards. This includes performing annual risk ■ Each self-assessment is independently assessments and action plans, reviews of its evaluated by a core team of specialists and systems and procedures, transaction testing feedback is provided to the member ifrm, where appropriate, and reviews at the individual where appropriate. Where a member ifrm is engagement level across each line of service. unable to conifrm compliance, in all material respects, with the standards, it must implement At the network level: Each year, using a common a remediation plan which is monitored with the technology platform, PwC member ifrms assess assistance of the network their compliance against the network standards. This platform facilitates the review and assessment of All member ifrm partners and staff complete controls, the establishment of testing requirements, individual annual compliance conifrmations and the collection and evaluation of evidence indicating their understanding of, and compliance relevant to the member ifrm’s assessment: with, those policies which are applicable to them.
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