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Project Management Performance Survey respondents were asked a series of questions related to the projects in their organisational portfolio. Over 67% of the projects within the Figure 6: Average Size of Projects in US$ organisation’s portfolio were valued at less than US$10M. The majority (42%) of portfolios were comprised of greater than 100 projects, whilst 25% of the users have less than 20 projects within their organisations’ portfolios. Time spent on projects and the amount of staff appears to not be affected if an organisation has few or many projects. The majority of projects were less than three years in duration (90%) and required fewer than 50 staff (87%). Only 3% of respondents have an average project team size of more the 200 staff. We also asked respondents to provide the Figure 7: Number of Projects in the Respondent Organisations’ Portfolio primary reason why a project is initiated. Of the organisations that responded, the main drivers for establishing a project is for business imperatives (40.2%) and to generate revenue (30.1%). Due to current economic climate, it is reasonable that an organisation would have a sizeable amount of their projects focused on generating revenue. The remaining three reasons to establish a project, each representing less than 10% of the population polled, included reducing costs, implement changes due to regulatory requirements, and refreshing obsolete technology. Now that we have established that Figure 8: Drivers for Establishing Projects within Respondents’ Organisations projects are being managed at a higher level of maturity, we wanted to evaluate how project management performance scored high in terms of our five key performance indicators. Organisational project management performance includes four core elements: processes, organisational structure, people, and systems and tools. Therefore, we categorized our findings within these four core elements. Insights and trends: Current Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Practices 15

Insights and Trends - Page 16 Insights and Trends Page 15 Page 17