Processes As previously noted, a systematic and area include the following: standardisation and institutionalisation of organised set of processes brings order project management processes; prioritisation of projects and application and efficiency to project management. of a standard project life cycle; utilisation of project portfolio techniques; Therefore, the existence of well-defined utilisation of methodologies in project management, portfolio management project management processes - often and Agile project management; leveraging communication management best grouped into a project management practices; and emphasis on project management certifications. methodology - differentiates those companies that are able to consistently deliver high project results from those that do not. Our key findings in this Figure 9: Key Performance Indicators for a Project Implementing the Typical Organisations Approach to PM Key Finding: Employing an organisation’s typical project management approach leads to accomplishments in achieving project scope, quality, and business benefits; however, lower performance levels were noted in meeting schedule and budget objectives. While not all organisations approach project management in the same way, they do apply certain principles of project management when managing their projects. The global project management survey provides insight into the state of today’s organisational approach to project management. Not surprisingly, an organisation’s approach to project management directly affects the outcome of project’s key performance indicators. Survey respondents were asked to rate a project that best represents their organisation’s approach to project management. Of the projects that met the five key performance indicators, if an organisation was to employ their “typical” approach to a project, it would meet or exceed the organisation’s quality standards 93% of the time; deliver within the project’s scope 92% of the time; and result in meeting or exceeding the projected business benefits of the project 89% of the time. While these results are encouraging, the data also showed lower performance levels in the project’s schedule and budget. In these areas, we find you would meet your project’s schedule and budget objectives approximately 70% of the time. 16 I nsi ghts and trends: Current Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Practices
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